For the 25th daily installment of Big Wheel Blading’s Inline Skating and Life During COVID-19 series we talk to Trish Alexander. Trish is a 59-year-old inline skater and skate instructor from Seattle, Washington. She runs the Skate Instructors Association (SkateIA), which teaches inline and quad skaters how to become skate instructors.
How is the state Washington responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?
We are on lockdown, but the Governor has encouraged us to go out and get exercise. We are suppose to wear a mask when we leave the house.
Are you still skating?
Yes, I’ve been skating our great trails. The weather has been above 60 degrees, almost 70 some days, so it has been fun to skate outdoors. Although it’s a bit difficult, as I’m building up my cardiovascular system, I’ve been wearing a mask. A benefit has been it’s pollen season so the mask cuts down the allergens. What has been so terrific is that I’ve seen new skaters on the trail. I have been stopping and asked if they want any tips. So far they all wanted help with stopping and to know if there are any hills. I’m delighted to see new skaters and there are just more skaters, in general, out and about. Being out on the trail again has brought me such joy!
What are you doing to fill your time?
I run two skate companies and I am busy reaching out to students at our skate school and projects for the instructors. I’m very busy working on initiatives for skating. We just launched our challenge page (, which offers a list of skills to learn, in the order you should learn them and then with videos for each of the skills
How has COVID-19 affected your normal everyday life?
We had to cancel all our classes at the skate school and all the certifications that were planned. I work three days at home Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, every week so this just means I now work from home on Saturday and Sunday
What are your major concerns right now and looking into the future?
None, it will all work out, we just don’t know what it looks like. We are working on projects that solve issues that are necessary now, like the challenge and an online skaters community.
How has the skate community in Seattle responded to the lockdown?
There are several different groups and those that skate the rinks at night are highly affected. It’s their skate night and they cannot go out. The trail skaters are going out and skating. We’ve got a group that is keeping up with each other via WhatsApp.
Do you have anything you’d like to add?
Skating is a hobby or sport for most, and most are finding ways to skate. While we used to manage our lives using the Mind/Body/Spirit method, we now need to switch it to Spirit/Body/Mind and Skating really elevates the spirit. Instagram still has lots of skaters skating and Facebook has lots of skaters teaching or just talking about skating. It’s still happening large scale, just in different ways.

- Follow Trish Alexander on Instagram.
- For more information on SkateIA visit
- Follow SkateIA on YouTube and Facebook.
- Go to Inline Skating and Life During COVID-19 to read more interviews from skaters from around the world.
- Go to Essential Workers – Inline Skaters on the Front Lines of COVID-19 to read about inline skaters from around the world who are considered Essential Workers.
- For our full COVID-19 coverage go here.
- Contact Big Wheel Blading for and questions, suggestions or ideas.
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